Saturday, July 12, 2008

DNF Monkey Tags on ebay

First of all I'd like to explain why I am putting extra tags on ebay.

When I jumped into this Club idea I wasn't exactly sure how it would work. So I emulated the PTC. I used their pricing which I figured was a safe bet. I honestly have no idea how that club works, because I certainly did not come out even. I'm not out to make a profit on this club, I'm happy to break even, but a loss wasn't in my plans. My other downfall was that I foolishly thought that paypal took 3% of the transfer when in fact they take 3% plus $.30.

The MAIN reason I'm using ebay though is to 'even the playing field' so to speak. I would feel really awful saying one person could have an extra over anyone else, and I have been asked by MANY for these tags.

So in the end this is the cowardly way I out, I know, and I'm sorry. Hopefully anyone interested in these tags will understand my perspective.

With all that said my ebay ID is WicksWorksDesign and the first auction is up!

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